Underwater Mining Institute:
Fill out the tour registration form (in pdf format), and submit no later than 30 September 2002.Who: UMI Participants and Guests (25 maximum)
Where: Wellington to Lake Taupo then onto the Waiotapu geothermal field, overnight in Whakatane to White Island (guided tour); overnight in Rotorua, and return to Wellington
When: November 16 (Saturday), return to Wellington November 18 (Monday) afternoon.
Cost: $160 (prepayment by September 30, 2002) to cover bus transportation and the White Island Tour, or US$100 if you are just coming along for the ride and not going to the Island. Additional costs for lodging in Whakatane (estimate NZ$100) and Rotorua (estimate NZ$110), as well as for meals and incidentals will be handled individually by participants.
WHITE ISLAND Surface Transportation: A bus has been chartered for a minimum of 20/maximum of 25 persons. Cost per person is US$100, prepaid by 30 September 2002.
White Island Tour: White Island Tours offers professional marine operators with the PeeJay IV, a 60-foot launch designed and built especially for White Island Tours. Its semi-planing hull gives a very smooth ride in extreme comfort during the 80-minute trek to the Island. The jet-powered inflatable required to ferry passengers to the island from the PeeJay IV also has high safety standards. Everyone will be issued a hard hat and a gas mask for comfort and safety while on the island. You need to be 8 years old or older and able to walk at least 2 hours on an uneven surface to go on the tour. There are no rest areas available on the island. The tour begins promptly at 6:45 AM and ends shortly after Noon. Lunch will be served onboard the PeeJay IV. Cost per person is US$60, prepaid by 30 September 2002.
Lodging. White Island Tours also offers a motel comprising of 25 non smoking units with full laundry facilities, TV, phones, data port connections, fridge, heating and hair dryers. Reservations are based on double accommodations at NZ$100 per person. If you have a preference for a roommate, or if you prefer a unit to yourself, please make that indication on the Motel Registration Form and submit it to the UMI by 30 September. When we have a final rooming list, specific units will be assigned and the actual cost per person/unit will be determined (the range of cost is between NZ$80 and NZ$100). Payment may be made upon your arrival to the motel.
Meals. On site is "PeeJays Coffee House" that serves "awesome coffee and great food" and is open from 6:30 AM to 5:00 PM daily. Across the street are two licensed restaurants and many more within walking distance.
For more details about White Island Tours (boat trip and motel), please see
ROTORUA Single/double accommodations are being arranged for Capri Court in Rotorua at a cost of NZ$110 per night. For more details, please see