The 38th Annual Conference
of the Underwater Mining Institute
November 17–21, 2008
The University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS USA
Technical Program Chair: Dr. Charles L. Morgan
Technical Program Co-chair and Host: Dr. Robin C. Buchannon,
The University of Mississippi USA
The Underwater Mining Institute is seeking presentations focused on the following topics:
Profitable marine mining industries are currently recovering seabed sand and gravel deposits in the coastal states. Potentially commercial marine mining ventures for seabed sulfide deposits of gold, silver, copper, zinc, and other metals are developing within domestic and international seabed areas. Ferromanganese oxide deposits are investigated primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans as future mineable deposits of nickel, cobalt, copper, and other metals. Methane hydrates composed of chemically stable deposits of methane gas bound within a matrix of water ice may form widespread deposits that represent potentially very large energy sources.
Given the proximity of the 2008 UMI venue to the U.S. Gulf Coast (a major international center for technology development and deployment for the offshore oil industry) and these rapidly maturing marine mineral ventures, there is potential for great synergy between professionals seeking technological solutions for their marine minerals development problems and those who have already addressed and solved similar problems for offshore oil developments.
Similarly, these significant recent advances in the commercial development of marine minerals raise issues related to potential environmental impacts of such ventures. The UMI provides perhaps the most appropriate setting to discuss these issues. The Institute has an established reputation for fostering multidisciplinary debate on complex topics related to seabed development. Also, the Institute’s primary sponsor, the International Marine Minerals Society, owes no allegiance to any particular commercial, academic, or government body and thus serves as an independent voice on marine minerals issues.
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Email a WORD or text file containing the following information to the Conference Coordinator. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2008. The selection
of presentations and notification of authors will be completed by mid July 2008.
For commercial exhibits, please contact the Conference Coordinator for information.
Submit Abstract by email.
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