Download the Program, including a List of Presentations and UMC activities as a PDF.
Please bring your PowerPoint Presentation on a thumb drive labeled with your name to the UMC Welcome Reception on Monday, September 10 at AULA, Natural History Museum, University of Bergen from 17.00–21.30. A host representative or audio technician will be available to upload the file as needed.
Set-Up: UMC 2018 Day 1, Grieghallen, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 08.00
Poster Session: After lunch on both Tuesday, Sept. 11 and Wednesday, Sept. 12
Format and Instructions: Vertical presentations should be designed in Size A0 or A1, which will be displayed on 1 x 2.5-meter poster walls. A host representative will number each poster and provide general assistance. Supplies will be on hand for you to hang/pin your poster to the walls.
If presenters with to print and pick it up their poster in Bergen, please contact: Explain what you want done and they will provide you a cost estimate. This company does work for the University of Bergen and are located close to the conference venue.
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